An Original Corruption Romance Adventure Story

How it all begins...


As Jennifer Green, you find yourself employed by an extremely rich client. Starting your new life living at the annex of a big mansion filled with secrets, will you be able to keep yours? Welcome to your new life as a young fitness instructor. Where you will find friends, enemies and adventures filled with action, drama, humour, romance and corruption… Lots of corruption.


Build a Harem

With a twist

Play as Jen, a corruptive, manipulative, bombshell of a fitness instructor who stays in the mansion of her client. Build a harem like you have never seen before by becoming the first and favourite member of it, the mastermind behind everything! Help the boys of the mansion to build it quickly and manipulate women of all sorts to convince them to join one way or the other. Corrupt everyone… Even yourself! But first, you will need to convince those boys. How hard can it be, right? Right?

With a twist

Unique characters with deep and relatable personalities

Dynamic and realistic daily schedules

Lots of different personalities waiting to meet you. Introduced via the main story and side branches, explore relationships with them. Listen to their stories. Help them with their troubles. Manipulate them or corrupt them. You are Jen after all. You can do everything. All of the stories, opportunities, hidden events and characters are bound by a schedule. Get close to your friends and closer to your enemies. Get to know them. Learn their schedules. Your handy smartphone should help you along the way. Be ready for surprises. Exploration is wildly rewarded but hey, curiosity killed the cat, right? Watch out for yourself. There is always a tomorrow if you play your cards right.

Dynamic and realistic daily schedules

True sandbox experience with hand made environments

Realistic time mechanic that takes every minute into account

You can stop but time won’t. In the world of Marilyn’s Mansion, a realistic time mechanic is always active. Whether you are enjoying a cup of coffee by the pool, blowing off some steam in the guest bathroom or sexting with a member of the house 😉 Uncover the secrets of a unique and beautiful mansion by exploring its 15+ hand made areas. If you manage to get bored there, you can always visit your old friends Annie & Nelly or go out for some shopping adventure. You are not limited by the boundaries of the mansion. Just don’t forget, you need to be with Marilyn when it’s time for her exercises.

Realistic time mechanic that takes every minute into account

A flexible main story filled with action, drama, humour, romance...

...and corruption. Lots of corruption.

Joining the mansion as its 5th member, you will quickly find yourself surrounded by an interesting cast of characters. A rich CEO living with his twin sons and his unusually young companion, Marilyn. Will you be able to uncover the nature of their relationship? Living in a mansion with a hefty pay check and flexible work hours will put you in a tight spot. Nothing will be simple. Especially with your history which has no intention to let you go that easily. Who will you ally with? Will you be selfish or act with your friends? Maybe you won’t make friends… We’ll see…

...and corruption. Lots of corruption.

Various side stories

Branching from the main story

While following the main story revolving around the mansion and its residents, you will be presented with a lot opportunities to pursue new narratives. Those guests you see Marilyn invite all the time? Why not get to know them better? Or that girl who plays an MMO with the boys. She could be an interesting one to hang out with. What about the weird quarrel you’ve witnessed while shopping for your new bikini. You might wanna get a say in the matter. Not to mention the side gigs you can take on for some quick buck… The living/breathing world of Marilyn’s Mansion has tons to offer behind every corner.

Branching from the main story

A lot of activities

cosplay, streaming, photography and many others

During your many adventures, you will get to do lots of activities. All the mundane tasks are included such as making a toast for breakfast or masturbating in the bathroom. While being mundane, even they can become opportunities leading to unexplored narratives so don’t forget to do them every once in a while. But there are also some interesting stuff you can do. Such as livestreaming. You can help the boys in their gaming adventures. One of the boys is especially interested in photography. Are you interested in becoming a model? Why not cosplay while doing it? Did you hear about the new club by the beach? Yes, one with the pole, Carpe Noctem. We heard they are looking for beautiful girls to do the entertaining. We think with Jen’s background, it won’t be hard to pull of those moves. If not, Annie can always help her to improve. If you don’t think the pole is for you, you can get behind the bar. There are a lot of things you can do as Jennifer. Don’t worry, we haven’t spoiled all of them for you. We barely scratched the surface. As Jen, it is up to you to dig deeper. A fair warning, dig too deep and you might even end up on the wrong side of the law…

cosplay, streaming, photography and many others

Tons of extra content

Integrated galleries, collectibles, specials and much more…

Around every corner, between every nook and cranny, you might find a collectible. It can be a simple polaroid or a magazine from the past. Might even be a lovely diorama of a sexy game character. You can revisit them whenever you desire to uncover their secrets, hidden stories and more. Not all the galleries can be found in the menus. You might end up finding a diary filled with photographs or find your way into certain someone’s social media account. Keep your eyes open to experience all that Marilyn’s Mansion offers…

Integrated galleries, collectibles, specials and much more…


Mansion Residents

The original residents of the Marilyn's Mansion

Jen & The Gang

Jennifer and the people she hangs out with

Side Characters

Recurring characters and potential mansion regulars

The Mansion

History of the Mansion

Colony house to private mansion

Resting right outside the outskirts of (REDACTED), the Millan Mansion is a two story building hailing from the colonial era. It is said to be used as a colony house during until the last years of the war and became abandoned after sustaining significant damage. Staying abandoned until late 80's, it was bought by a famous musician however the renovation process never finished.

Colony house to private mansion

The Millan Family

Second chance of the Mansion

The bank takes the mansion back from the failed musician and puts it up for sale once again. Looking for a wedding gift for her wife after the birth of his twin sons, a self-made billionaire called Robert Millan closes the deal and starts the renovation process once again. After tons of blood, sweat and tears, the Millan family managed to give the Mansion its latest shape with a brand new annex, a huge swimming pool and a separate garage building. It now towers in the middle of the suburbs as the most prestigious mansion of the west side.

Second chance of the Mansion

The Gallery

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